Hope and Service over Indifference

What I felt from this journey was a threefold lesson. First, it was a reminder that in spite of human capacity to gravitate towards such evil, God made everything good. Second, it was a reminder to see the presence of God in others in even the most difficult times. Third, it was a call to consider more deeply... radical love for others and to avoid indifference. 

First Saturdays 2024-2025
Rosary and Reflection (Bilingual)

Every first Saturday from October to June meet at the Fr. Kolbe Missionaries to fulfill part of Our Lady of Fatima's request, honor our Mother, and fellowship. English and Spanish.

Our projects
The consecration has to be a free and conscious act, accepted and lived as a gift. ...
La cella dell'amore
Entrust St. Maximilian with your desires, dreams, and hopes. ...
A SPACE FOR YOUNG ADULTS Trying to figure out life? Have you tried discernment? It helps us sort through all the stuff goi...
The House of the Immaculata continues to be a place of encounter, spiritual renewal, and friendsh...
Teens ages 13-17 are invited to join Teens to the Max! ...
How to help us
External links
Write and send us your prayer intention ...
Centri di spiritualità
Preparation for Consecration to Mary in the spirituality of St. Maximilian Kolbe. ...
News in different languages ...
Books in English and Spanish
News social

A young mom answers
